What Should You Do if Your Retaining Wall System Needs a Repair After This Winter in Newburgh, NY?

It’s not uncommon for retaining walls in Newburgh, NY to suffer damage during the winter months. Cold weather can make repairs difficult for both homeowners and contractors. But regardless of the weather conditions, if you’ve noticed a problem with your retaining wall system, don’t sweep it aside until spring arrives because the damage can become even more significant.

Here is what to do if your retaining wall system needs a quick repair during winter:

Call a Professional to Check the Wall

Unless you are an expert in landscape construction, you may under evaluate the damage done to your wall system. It is therefore crucial to call a professional to perform an inspection the moment you notice any changes. Whether you notice cracks, loose stones, or severe bulges, let a professional take care of the problem.

Retaining walls provide soil support and protect other structures from soil collapse. This can pose a direct danger to your home. Other functions of the retaining wall include keeping the ground from washing away, and providing greater structural stability to your landscape. These are crucial functions when poor winter weather conditions prevail. Snowfall is a major concern for Newburgh residents during the winter. The added weight of the snow can often put a strain on retaining wall systems that may lead to costly damage if not repaired as soon as possible.

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Expert Repair

Even though winter repairs are tricky, Winter is not necessarily a bad time to do repairs on retaining walls that need to be reinforced or repaired. While full masonry repairs may be subject to certain climatic conditions, a temporary solution can be found to prevent the damage from spreading and to ensure that your retaining walls do not collapse. Lehigh Lawns and Landscaping will be able to follow the necessary steps to ensure the repair is done correctly.

If the condition of the retaining wall system is not severe but requires moderate attention, Lehigh Lawns and Landscaping will temporarily patch the area until the weather has improved sufficiently to make the actual repair.

Most importantly, with our expertise, a custom solution can be found for your unique situation in order to ensure that harsh winter weather poses no threat to a retaining wall that becomes damaged over the course of the season.


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How to Take Care of your Retaining Wall this Winter

While repairs are almost always possible, the first step to a high quality, long-lasting retaining wall system is a proper installation process. From building materials to construction methods, Lehigh Lawns and Landscaping ensure that newly built retaining walls are of the highest quality and suitable for withstanding the freeze-thaw cycles of your area. This will avoid costly future repairs. The next step to avoid your retaining wall system suffering damage in the future is to sign up to our landscape maintenance program to ensure that an evaluation of your property is done periodically by a professional.


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