8 Reasons to Hire a Lawn Maintenance Company This Fall in Wappingers Falls, NY

8 Reasons to Hire a Lawn Maintenance Company This Fall in Wappingers Falls, NY

As the fall rolls around, you might be tempted to think that your Wappingers Falls, NY, lawn responsibilities are over, but if you want to have a gorgeous lawn next spring and summer, the job starts now. Here’s why you should take the load off any worries you have about your landscape by hiring a lawn maintenance company.

Prune the Shrubs

Fall is the time to prune the dead branches and overgrowth from your shrubs so that they are in good shape for growing season when spring returns. Any flowering shrubs need to be trimmed back as this will encourage more blooms for spring and summer. Plus, trimming the shrubs gives a better appearance to the landscape when the leaves fall and the bare bones of your shrubs are more visible.

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Trim Tree Branches

Trim any dead limbs or splintered breakage with clean cuts to prevent disease and insects from making a home in your trees. Fall is an excellent time to attend to any trees that might be ailing and need to be removed. 

Clear the Gutters and Rooftop

Clearing any leaves and branches that have fallen on your roof is a must before the cold weather arrives. This includes cleaning out the gutters and downspouts, too, so that the water can flow freely during a storm and when the snow melts. Make sure that your downspouts are draining into the best place in your yard to prevent washing away plants and mulch or creating a gully through the grass. 

Plant Fall Bulbs and Perennials

Fall is the time to plant those bulbs that grow into beautiful flowers in the springtime, and it is also the time to fill in holes from dead shrubs with new ones. 

Give the Lawn a Final Mowing

Mowing one last time will leave your lawn with a clean finish. This also helps the soil to dry out and the roots to get the air they need. 

Fall Fertilizing

Fall is the time to fertilize before the winter sets in as this provides a store of food for the tender new grass that has been sown and for the existing grass. The roots absorb the nutrients and store them to make food for the grass until spring returns. 

Give the Lawn a Good Cleanup

Raking, weeding, and removing any debris from the lawn to remove a place that pests can lurk is a must. The decaying leaves also kill any grass underneath and can bring disease to your grass. 

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Aerate the Lawn

The small holes that aeration produces in your lawn allows the oxygen to reach the roots of your grass, as well as encourages the roots to take up the nutrients from the fertilizer. 

Let a Professional Handle the Fall Lawn 

There are many fall duties that require special tools and equipment and specific knowledge of the use of fertilizer. If the thought of trying to accomplish the fall cleanup and preparation for winter overwhelms you, find a professional lawn maintenance service with a proven plan for landscape success. 

They know that caring for your Wappingers Falls, NY, fall lawn reaps big rewards in the spring by keeping your lawn healthy during the dormant winter months. Let them handle the critical winter lawn preparation for you so that you can enjoy the fruits of their labor in the spring with a lush, thriving lawn.


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