6 Commercial Maintenance Tips For an Accessible Winter Landscape in Westchester County NY

6 Commercial Maintenance Tips For an Accessible Winter Landscape in Westchester County NY

Snow removal is definitely not something you want to fall behind with, as we all know it could take weeks or months to melt if left unchecked. Do your business a favor and put a contract in place with a commercial snow removal company before the snow starts falling. Here are six commercial maintenance tips for an accessible winter landscape in Westchester County, NY.

Related: Timing Commercial Snow Management in Westchester County, NY

1. Clear The Walkways

You would have to wonder how someone with a disability or difficulty walking would ever get through your parking lot or to your business’ entrance while trudging through snow. Then there’s the thought of your business being literally camouflaged by the snow enough that people can’t see the viable operation going on inside. Our crews hit the ground running to make sure that your business is clear and ready to open during each and every snowfall.

2. Ensure Safety

Falling on snow and ice is a massive source of injury every winter. With local ordinances in place, you as the business owner are most likely responsible for snow removal and thus, hold the liability in case of an injury. Ensuring that all of your outdoor walkways, patios, parking lots, and entryways are free of danger will keep all of your employees, tenants, customers, or guests coming back happily no matter what nature has in store.

3. Attract the Best

How you keep your property during and after a snowfall will leave a lasting impression on your clients and tenants. People quickly notice when an owner has taken steps to beautify a property during the challenging winter season. It says, “I care about you and your safety.” Leaving snow and ice to buildup says the opposite and will likely lead to the slow decay of your property and business. And instead of reacting to snowfall as it’s happening, rest assured that, with a commercial snow removal contract in place for the season, you don’t have to worry about keeping your property safe and tidy. 

4. Get a Head Start

Waiting for snow and ice to melt during spring can be an agonizing process and might prevent you from starting to conduct your business outside even as the temperatures get higher. Keep ahead with snow removal and ensure that, even though the rest of your area might still be covered in icy, dirty snow, your business is clear and ready to go. 

5. Focus on Maintenance

Getting rid of the snow as soon as possible will allow you to start repairing and maintaining your buildings and landscapes before the busy summer season starts. The harsh freeze-and-thaw cycles of spring can do unbelievable damage on asphalt and concrete if snow isn’t removed quickly. The only way to repair cracked asphalt and concrete is to fully replace it. This, of course, can become horribly expensive.

6. Avoid Careless Damage

Work with a commercial snow removal company that will promise to care for all of your property. That includes the mailbox by the road, tenants’ cars that haven’t been dug out yet, or the beautiful shrubs you pay to maintain. Any knucklehead can push snow around with a plow, but it takes a true professional to take care of personal property. Rest easy knowing that neither the snow nor the snow removal company will take away from the quality of your business and property.

Related: How to Know If You Need More Rigorous Snow Management in Westchester County, NY


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