Why Is Fall Clean Up Necessary?

Why Is Fall Clean Up Necessary?

A Fall Clean-Up is the systematic collection and removal of any leaves, sticks, and debris littering your property as a result of the changing seasons. Your open areas of turf, landscape beds and hardscapes, are all included in our Fall Clean-Up Package. This service is primarily performed using a variety of backpack and wheeled blowers, though certain areas may require us to rake them by hand.

Fall Clean-Ups are performed on a first come first serve basis, and in conjunction with our current lawn care customer’s routing. Fall Clean-Ups are typically performed when the weather conditions permit and debris can be moved to an available wooded area, hauled away for a small additional charge, or left along the roadside if you live in a township that provides leaf disposal.

Reap the benefits of a clean, neat lawn and landscape appearance at your property. Not only will your property look pristine but it will be healthier. Removal of debris from your lawn will help its health by avoiding the problems associated with leaf compaction and added acidity to your soil base, which can destroy your turf and increase broad leaf weed activity. In addition spores found on leaves can infect your soil and re-infect trees and shrubs year after year.

A clean lawn area is essential to attain the maximum benefits from other important Fall services such as lawn fertilization, liming, tick control and core-aeration as well.


TREE CARE by Lehigh Lawns & Landscaping


Fall Is The Best Time For Landscaping!